May 28

SQL select from two tables with the same field name

Category: Linux,Perl   — Published by tengo on May 28, 2008 at 9:15 am

Running MySQL and doing join'ed queries you might run into problems when you try to get results from two tables into one results set, where both tables have a field that is identically named (common with id-fields). For example:

SELECT, table1.fieldA, table1.fieldB,, table2.fieldC, table2.fieldD
FROM `table1`,`table2`
WHERE table1.fieldA = 'test'
AND = table2.fieldD;

Here we try select'ing in a join'ed manner from two tables and merge the results into one resultsset. But MySQL will throw an error, as both tables have a column named "id".

The solution to this problem is to tell MySQL an alias name for one of the identically named columns so it can differentiate between them in the results set. In our example here, we tell MySQL by using the "AS" constructor to use the obvious name "" for the "id"-field from table "table1", while it should use the plain "id" for the "id"-field from "table2":

SELECT AS "", table1.fieldA, table1.fieldB,, table2.fieldC, table2.fieldD
FROM `table1`,`table2`
WHERE table1.fieldA = 'test'
AND = table2.fieldD;